Change has always been one of the hardest things for me to accept or adjust to. Typically, and when I say typically I mean all of the time, I am a creature of habit, a scheduling aficionado and change only makes ripples in the well thoughtout plans I have set forth (Who am I kidding? Ripples? More like waves.).
Over the past couple of weeks change has been constant, which I’m sure you can imagine might be my worst fear. Schedules have been rearranged, career goals redirected, future plans put on hold and while at first this change came with drowning waves, I have decided to embrace it. As one door closes another one opens, “not now” doesn’t mean “never” and sometimes having faith in the process is the best thing you can do.
At this point I’m sure you’re thinking, especially if you have the same fear of change as I do, how I arrived at this surprising revelation. Good question, one I am still asking myself now as I write this, but what I can tell you is that the feeling of anxiety over something I can’t control was leaving me uncentered and distracted and it was no longer worth it. Focused solely on the plan I had made before left me with no room to see the possibilities of the future. Even with a new path, although not the one I had personally crafted, there was so much potential before me and I could have missed it if I remained stuck in the past. Determined to think only positive thoughts, there were a few helpful steps I followed as change continued to come my way that might help you work through the changes that you are facing in your life too.
- Allow yourself time to process what is changing and what it affects.
- Look for the positives.
- Handle changes on a day-to-day basis.
Embracing the uncertainty of change is by no means an easy task and there are moments where I stop myself in a thought and simply tell myself to “shelf the negative thoughts or doubt”, but by allowing yourself to take some time to process everything you’ll be able enter into the thought of change with a healthy mindset. Once you have an open mind, it is easier to see the positives and being able to see the beneficial outcomes can help with welcoming change. Of course, handling change on a day-to-day basis is important. Taking on the whole world in a day can get overwhelming quickly so its best to focus and execute on one thing before letting your mind wander to others.
Remaining positive has helped me immensely and I hope these tips help you too because I have found that how you handle change can have a direct impact on what you get out of it.
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